The body of work of Antonia Wetzel playfully explores gender expression and sexuality in different media. A focus lies on the performative action of creating itself, while the artworks serve as a remainder of this process. Serendipity and coincidence are part of their practice. Performance and accident manifest in the art works, challenging expectations of perfection, and highlighting the role of the material and machine as an active agent during the process of creation.
Exploring sexuality in the media of porn performance, the body of the artist traverses different modes of existing, operating and manifesting. In collaboration with filmmakers and other performers, the body becomes tool and artwork momentarily, while the final video work only serves as a capture of this fleeting state of being. Much like the medium of video follows a storyline, their printmaking practice follows an ongoing thread of autobiographical narration. The performance of one's own gender expression and sexuality is captured in drawings, prints and bold letter commentary, creating a dense map of queer existence, exploring the boundaries of body, autonomy, human/machine relationship and sexual agency.
They graduated with a BA, guided by Berlin Painter Heike Kati Barath at the University of the Arts Bremen in 2016.
In 2022 Antonia was awarded the DAAD exchange scholarship to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma of Fine Art in Cape Town, South Africa.

photo by Mia Thom, Cape Town, 2022.

photo by Stanley Louis for PILOTENKUECHE

Solo Shows
2023/03 Brutal Curation, Cape Town "Jamie, where is that pub where they shot the guy"
2022/07 HELMUT eV., Leipzig "there is only one button on the top floor"
2024/05 Berliner Volksbühne, Roter Salon: "Tod aller Erstgeborenen" mit Sophia Süßmilch, Lydia Haider uvm.
2024/06 Kunsthalle Osnabrück, Opening performance for Sophia Süßmilch's "And I'll huff and I'll puff and I'll blow your house in"
Film Festivals
2023/10 Berlin Porn Film Festival, "Ekstasis"
2023/06 Post Pxrn Film Festival Warsaw, "Ekstasis"
2021/10 Berlin Porn Film Festival, "Porn No. 1"
2020/02 Nano Film Festival Johannesburg, "Blue"
2022 "everything under the sun shall burn"
2016 "facing the sun"
Group Shows
2023/11 Everard Read, Cape Town "Daily Fun"
2023/09 Salon am Moritzplatz, Berlin "Daily Fun"
2022/11 Michaelis School of Art, Grad Show
2022/06 Michaelis School of Art, Cape Town "Daily Sun"
2021/12 P7, Berlin "self portrait"
2021/07 Der Blaue Saal, Wuppertal "Fetisch und Porno"
2021/06 Room Boom Festival, Schkeuditz
2019/09 PILOTENKUECHE, Leipzig "Grateful Park"
2019/08 KunstKraftWerk, Leipzig "Hungry Dungeon Friends"
2019/09 Room Boom Festival, Schkeuditz
2019/05 ABC Festival, Hamburg
2017/02 University of the Arts Bremen, Hochschultage 2017
2016/11 Gallery University of the Arts Bremen "niesolosein"
2016/06 Spedition eV., Bremen "facing the sun"
2016/04 level one, Hamburg "HFK meets HKS"
2016/02 K20, Düsseldorf "Response to Agnes Martin"